What Happened to the Podilymbus gigas?
The Podylimbus gigas, its known as the Atitlan Grebe or the Giant Grebe. This species is extinct now but in its life period, it was endemic to Guatemala. According to the IUCN, the Atitlan Grebe went extinct because of increasing large-mouth bass populations.

Atitlan Grebes somehow made their way to the IUCN (International Union for Conservations of Nature) Red List. First of all the IUCN is a union made up of government and civil society organizations with the knowledge and tools to develop the conservation of nature. The Atitlan Grebe was first declared endangered by the IUCN in 1988 and first declared extinct in 1994. It is believed that this species went extinct because of alterations to its habitat

IUCN Redlist
The Redlist is a list that the IUCN has developed to display which species are threatened, endangered, and extinct. They classify species this way using specific "Categories & Criteria", the general goal of this system is to provide a broad web of classified species according to their extinction rates. The Atitlan Grebe ended up in this list because of reports of a great decline in population due to alterations in habitat.

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